Friday, February 4, 2011

Round Magic

I've read about them but today I stumbled upon a new (to me) GF store in Stuyvesant Plaza.  And found the much raved about Udi's Gluten Free Cinnamon Raisin Bagels.  Can you hear the choir of angels singing?  Me too!

$8 for four bagels seems very steep.  But so is everything else gluten free.  And bagels are my very favorite bread product.  Actually, they are in my top three favorite foods.  I really really love bagels.  Love!  So home they came. 

As I was unloading groceries, I popped one of those puppies in the toaster.  I couldn't wait a moment longer.  Had.  To.  Have.  One.  Immediately.

Just as the last can was stacked in the pantry, the toaster was finished.  I smeared on some cream cheese and sat down to taste what I hoped would be better than average.

Oh boy...they are better than better than average.  They are really fantastic!  Not identical.  So don't run out expecting them to taste like a freshly made Brugers.  But probably the best GF purchased bread product I've ever tried. 

If you are craving a bagel for breakfast, snack or sandwich, run to your nearest Udi's shelf.  Crazy good find for a random Friday!